Monday, November 8, 2010


哇。。好久没updated了。。第一次用华语写blog。。。其实我读华小的。。。我华语还拿A 的叻。。。只是久没用,有点生锈了。。 lol
一方面我要写blog的原因来至朋友。。。我很不明白。。。明明很讨厌对方。。为什么还要千方百计去讨好别人呢。。。然后又要做双面人。。。在我面前说一套。。然后在那边又另外一套。。。不觉得很狗吗。。。 可能你有你的一套。。。我没那个资格说你。。可是我就是很不瞒你那一套。。很难顶。。一直想去认识更多更多的朋友。。可是看好用什么方式去认识。。。而不是利用某些很狗的行为。。。 会令人很反感你知道吗。。而且会伤了你朋友的心。。 人干吗不真点呢。。?不觉得比较自在吗。。。?不用在不同的场合说不同的话。。还是你习惯用了这套方式去打好你的人际关系。。我没意见。。只是从现在开始我会批示你。。我不想有那么狗的朋友在我身边。。。随时会被你出卖。。
ps: 当被朋友出卖。。不用伤心。。因为她比你更开心。。因为她得到他的目的了。。
that you FUCKER...

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello..ladies and here to updated my blogger again...Im doing mask and hair treatment in the same time...haha...Jimat Masa ma...XD The steam machine is make my head so hottttt!!! Feel like wanna blast edi.... After treatmen im gonna going mk for Ah lee birthday.... Happy buffday ah lee.....
Ok...its time to tell you all about my just pass my 9 section perm exam... Now starting to learn Directional perm...its easy than 9 section perm...and faster than that..But the most hard is the pose we perming the hair is make my waist very very pain...Everytime before i sleep..sure i stick the plaster on my waist..Like a old auntie...haiz... Im just 18 then waist pain edi... =='' Next thursday friend calling to zouk...I wan go neh...But FRIDAY i gt class to go...But i still will try my best to finding ppl go with me.. hahahaha..XD Ooooo...Tomoro go where to count down le..?? Hmmm... Sure you all think that i got so 1 malaysia meh...?haha..quite la..Coz no class ma..XDD I only love malaysia on that day...XD My friend calling me to go out beer beer...But still never give me a comfirmation answer... Hmmm..~~
Today quite emo...coz my hand itchy i go in my ex facebook...Yeww...he got his baby that fast... Congratz ya...Honestly quite ngm song la...haha... dunno why...maybe last time i used to him edi... suddenly he go for other weird weird...But i still can take it la... semua happy then ok jor lo...finally he pissed me off... we having our own new life... I love the way he hate me...hahaha..its make me feel much more better... =) where my babyy neh..?? she eating her puppy biscuit now..XDD Just now i heard her tummy singing..cute weih..then i fast fast go down feed her.. OMG... Seriously a failure mummy...hahaha
Ya...this hair style with me i think 1 weeks ago edi lo...different ppl d
ifferent comment...haha..Some of them said my old hair style is nicer...Some said this make me look young..OMG..How about you all feel that..?? =D Anyways..tomoro having class life like just keep repeating...keep repeat the same thing... Now even saturday also dun have edi...OMG... Next years new years only i can get back my days and my SATURDAY... Hope fast fast can graduation.. Friday night MyVistreet danny buffday... the first time i make up with the hair style...dunno all give some comment about those picture ok...i'll upload few here..For more please look around my facebook... I took quite lot picture in the car there..Coz seriously boring...The car keep like jumping like that.. coz my friend car have when it drove is just like will diet your tummy..hahaha...Lucky my camera quality good...If not i also dunno how to took picture...
K la...i have to wash my face and hair edi...Over time jor..Later hair all fall...XDD Byebye... Muackzz....that his lv car keep jumping lo..XD

Saturday, August 21, 2010

diary of these few days.. =)

Yeee...I cut a new hair style... haha...Actually i din think that i will cut my fringe that short.... Anyways is short short short... Btw...Everyone said that my look changed with the hair style...Im still dunno the hair with me is nice or ugly now....
Nowadys learning how to apply colour , mix colour , rebonding... Wow... Seriously dam dam stress and hard le....Scare cant chase up ppl.... Haix... Sometime my brain is just like suddenly blank...forget everything..and lack of process.... Haizyo.... seldom outting edi...hahah..once finish class then go home bath, watch tv,chatting with someone who like to hug a turtle and talk awesome story...hahaha...until midnight then i will just fell asleep... Yesterday went 1U for movie... "The Last Airbend
er"...hahaha.....quite nice show la...just im a bit tired , not really concentrated on that show... And today i wanna watch 'The Descent part 2 "...Can i..??hahaha.... I wanna watch all the movie now...Coz next week onward i have no time to going out edi... Next week onwards every saturday i having CLASS...ARGH...!! how come...?? Moday - Saturday... mean i just sunday can rest only... Walao......!!! Lifeless man...And ya...waiting cousin reply for free lances job... After having works edi...I think i seriously busy more time... Wow...So 'chi gek" meh...XD Anyways wish me good luck ok...
And i wan tell another "SOMEONE" ...why you all like to talk about my thing ..And rumours it....Izzit too free edi ..?? If really free ...plese go look for some job...dun stay at home and backstab ppl on FACEBOOK.... We cant care so much...What impression you expect me to give you all le.... Not scolding you...I know you have your own reason...but please la...when night please lay down and think la.. not everything we can just handle new hair style...How is it..??

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Busy...busy...Still busy...

Finally im free to updated my blog... About my blog..I have something to tell "SOMEONE" that big mouth backstab... Please go wash your mouth before talk... My blog everything is about my own thing...Please shut your fuck mouth.... If i still heard something that out from your mouth gonna deserve what you said... You know im saying you...the onw who guilty there....
Ok...go back about my hair dressing course... Learning perming hair after 9 section exam... Standing there whole day just perm 2 head only...teacher target 1 day 5 head...OMG... Are you serious..?? =( I had went back early on thursday...& i had took a leave on friday too... leave baby alone in the class there... Im felt so sick on that day... Went to clinic after that... Finally ow im recover..Just having little sore throat... baby told me teacher was teach colour thing on friday...Im regret that i never attended ... Aiks... Hope that monday can chase back everything...
Yeterday went to 0u watch "La comedie humaine" Quite funny show... Really love Wong cho lam show... He is plaful ppl... Had my Gucci perfume on last night ♥...
Love it so much... After that went home to watch guai tan in lappie... And then sleep looo.... Coz no one accompany me to talk talk..felt so alone... =( I hate to sleep queen size bed... Felt alone man...
Today woke up on 12 something... Wake by mummy... Called friend to go out brunch...But all of them was sleeping & busying... OMG...Im so lonely... Had to drve out alone...And da bao... "Yu tao mai" and "kopi bing" as my brunch... And those rubbish tv show accompany me... =( Felt to help my baby girl bath..but my hand is still in a process that recovering.. So sorry baby girl...Wait mummy hand recover ok.. ok... =D

Done done my bloggie..felt dam SONG after updated blog...Flora by Gucci

Saturday, July 10, 2010


These few days was busying course thing... Everyday wake up on 8 o'clock..End on 8 something too... After reached already 9 or 10 something edi... Isshhhh...This type of life too busy la...I have no time to do my own thing... Like Facebook , Blogger , And lot lot ...After took my bath then it time for me to sleep edi...Because my eye bag is getting worst... My day is just that....
Supposed having class on today...But im not going... Due still new student...So this two month saturday we can just escape... But teacher said if wanna join also can... Of course we not going ... Its freaking tired weih... Yesterday had 4 section exam... Dunno how many time we repeat the steps already... The fake hair is make me getting crazy and CRAZY... Finally i passed the 4 section part in 2 minutes... but the nightmares its just start.. Next test is need to open 9 section in 4 minutes... WTF... Feel like chopping off the head... Everyday washed baby head when gonna back home...haha...that fun... But on the summit road...Is freaking jam...everyday must jam there almost 10 or 15 minutes... SIEN... Next week my turn to drive already...OMG... Im sure baby is dam happy right now...Because she dam lazy on drove everyday...
Ok...Back to the main point... Having family problems... I cant sleep nice on last night...keep awake in the midnight... Everytime im awake...I hope that the problems its just a dream... I really cant believe that thing will happened in my family... haix... Seriously feel scare and dunno what i can do for them.. I hope its will get a better solution as soon as possible... Anyways... Having free lance apply..?? leave a comment if you have free lance job apply.. Thanks you...
Btw... I just help my baby gurl bath...She making me happy... Everytime i look at mood is getting better... After bath...She ran to dinning room blow air-cond already... She quite smart to enjoy her life.. =D Maybe going milk tonight... Go or Dun Go...?? Im still confusing... Not really in the mood..She tried to ran away... =DWith her shampoo.... =)Clean clean jor... Happy...

Monday, July 5, 2010


Wow...finally last night i went quattro weih...But not that fun la...quite boring...dam lot ppl ... But i like the music there...and those woofer.... its nice... Its picky birthday...Not really know her...But i know she quite friendly la... and dam drunk too... =) its cute...when ppl get drunk...
Ok...The point is coming... When im on the way back... My bad luck is come to me... I cant see a big hole there... is big + deep.... its make my friend car rims spoil.... Haix..dam paiseh.... "Ngm Hou Yi Si " arh..... =( Stone there 1 and hour more i think...When back is gonna 6 o'clock... I woke on 3 o'clock today... Went summit with baby...Bought something accessories about for tomoro hair dressing course... Spend around 400 like that.. == Its my own money.. T.T But what to do... Dun feel like taking money from parents...dunno why...even they din said anything to me also...I just dun like it... Tomoro have to start my course..Its the first day... Not really excitation at all... gonna fetch me for the first week my turn to fetching her.... ARGH... LAZY DRIVE..... need jam jam jam...And need finding parking...haiz...I think this 8 month i will keep lepak in pyramid or around sunway..So friend...If wanna find me...Just go sunway ...I will be there perhaps... hahaha.... Sunway Kaki... last time when still studying ...Keep going pyramid with friend...Now graduated edi...Im still in sunway area... hahaha.... Feel like i cant go out sunway area.... hahaha... Anyways gonna sleep now... If not tomoro gonna yawning for the whole class edi... Wanna be a good good girl for the first ppl a good image... hahaha... k la...Good night friend.... =)
Gonna upload the rims that i spoiled tomoro... haha...wait ya...the big deep hole make the rims bacame like this... haixhaix...The first day of class...This is what i brought to class.... @@