Yesterday dam dam tired...No time to online...
Yesterday i woke up on 7.35 am...Coz need to follow hou yung go listen undang... ==
Dam boring 6 hour at there le...i just looking at outside that ppl drive motor only ma...The teacher say i sleep izzit..??haiz... TT
Actually i gt sleep awhile la...hahahahahaa...XD
Then i smsing he also can see...
Ask me where my disiplin...??!!DAMMMM
The canteen food dam sweet man...GELI~~~~
Finally 3 o'clock edi...still need to wait until 3.30 only gt ppl fetch me back... haiz...
After the course... TIRED
kancil gang..hahahahaha..XD
Once i back home then fall on sleep edi...
After 6 something need to prepare again...
Going Ket Shun sister birthday ....
Until 1 something only back....tired until dunno wat to say... ==
The first time i feel so tired....Btw his's sister and brother also very cute...
His;s small brother dam nicely...always chat with me...haha..XD
I also wan a small brother or sis.... TT
Tomoro starting have a baby come my house and take care by my mummy edi...yeah..hahaha..XD